1. How did you first come up with the idea of forming a label?
I've always been into music. Listening, buying, playing in bands, attending shows... You know. But lately I've felt a desire to do something more, and seeing a lot of other people doing this motivated me to simply go for it.
2. You just came out with your first release, a cassette with the Swedish Power Violence-act Femtekolonnare. Tell us a bit how that collaboration came to be and how you think it turned out.
It all started with a conversation after a gig my band had together with them on a one day festival called Russindisco. They mentioned something about maybe releasing a split LP with some Dutch band but that the contact with them wasn't that well and they were not sure if it would even happen. I told them about my plans for the label and offered them to release a tape, they thought it sounded cool, and a couple of months later it was done.
I think it turned out great, but it did take a lot of time to get it done, although it wasn't anything anyone of us could have done to prevent that.
3. How is it to work with your own independent label? Did you ever doubt that you would go through with it?
I don't think I've actually been doing it long enough to give a "real" answer, but so far it's going well and I enjoy doing it. There were no doubts about it really, because I've wanted to do this for quite some time. I just had to get more information about how to start and so on, which was why it didn't happen until now.
4. Have people taken a general interest in your work?
Not really, since I'm kind of new to this shit.
5. Perhaps it's too soon to tell, since you only have one release in your backpack so far, but do you know in what direction you want to take your label? What kind of bands you want to release etc.
I don't really know. I won't release stuff I don't like myself of course, but I don't think I'll stick to a certain genre or so. Some genre might appear more often than others though, since I prefer certain stuff over others etc. But other than that there are no clear directions.
6. The house in your logo has kind of an interesting story. Why don't you tell our readers a little more about that, and why you chose it for your logo?
It's name is Solbacka, but is by most people known as Kartago, and it's located in my hometown Sölvesborg. This house were where most punk/metal/hardcore/etc gigs took place up until 2008, when some retarded politicians decided to close it down because they thought Kartago was the reason for the town youths growing relationship to alcohol. This is of course bullshit, and nowadays the house is empty and used for nothing at all, which sucks. The name Stängda Dörrar is Swedish and means "closed doors", so I thought Kartago would fit really well as a logo.
7. What can we expect from Stängda Dörrar in the future? Are there any plans for an upcoming release at the moment?
I guess you can expect a bunch of tape releases and hopefully some vinyl releases later on as well. Time will tell I guess.
I do have one planned release though and that is a split involving the American band El-Ahrairah. Format not decided, but probably a tape.
8. Any closing words?
Thanks for the interview, foad.
He's charming as always. Make sure to get Femtekolonnare's new tape before it's gone. Limited to 100 copies.
1 comment:
Vad har ni för bromance, jag vill också se hans charmiga sida.
(btw captchan är jewhanni haha jew)
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