Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sönderriket - Oktober (Slaktmånaden), October Den Åttonde Månaden (2010)

Band: Sönderriket
Album: Oktober (Slaktmånaden), October, Den Åttonde Månaden
Year: 2010
Country: Sweden
If you have listened to the other album by Sönderriket uploaded here, you will probably like this album as well. But as seasons change, the mood of this album is on a completely different level. This captures the mood of autumn in Sweden. It's cold and dark, and as you continue listen you will notice that it will get worse. The last track has that almost hopeless atmosphere that the winter gives you. And if that wasn't the point of this creation, then I might as well just go catholic right away.
You will hear great industrial influences here. Monotone beats hammer in the background while the narrators starts to tell us stories, both in Swedish and in the haunting backwards-language of Satan. There's also the typical drone/noise/ambient/whatever you want to call it-vibe going on in the background. Sounds absolutely horrible when you're having some kind of otitis, but this isn't the work of that typical common beauty. This is supposed to be a bit dirty. And though it is repetitive at moments, it's also very experimental, and tries to push new buttons and stretch boundaries all the time.

Song(s) you should listen to: This release does only contain 3 songs, and these 3 songs should be considered as one song in my opinion. It will grow on you that way when have listened to it for a couple of times. And besides, one round is only about 30 minutes. If you can't handle that in one shot, you're a wuss.

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