Friday, September 10, 2010

Oldseed - The Terror (2009)

Band: Oldseed
Album: The Terror

Year: 2009
Country: Canada

Is this satanic? Is this evil? Is this hell's choir? I have to disappoint you this time, it isn't.
But my friend from Finland told me that this guy from Canada were heading over to Europe for a tour, and that my friend would drive him around the venues in Finland. After the tour my friend told my about this Canadian handsome gentleman, their sauna conversations, and other things that were indicating bromance moments, so I was curious about who Oldseed was.
I actually suspect that Oldseed has a bit religious intentions, so it's not what we normally upload on this blog. It's not original or extremely good. But it's acoustic folk music, perfect for those cold autumn nights with hot chocolate and warm blankets.

Song(s) you should listen to: Under Your Breath is the best song on the album. Includes violin, upbuilding moments in manatee-speed, a nice vocalist, and easy lyrics. For some reason I also like the sample in the ending of Net, when a woman is describing the moment when on of her relatives died. Instead of being all hysterical, she describes it calm and objective, with a great amount of love and respect for him.

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