Saturday, September 11, 2010

An Autumn For Crippled Children - Lost (2010)

Band: An Autumn For Crippled Children
Album: Lost
Year: 2010
Country: Netherlands

Okay, so the name of the band really sucks. It sounds like some newfag band with long bangs covering half of their faces, and that cares more about looks than music. But An Autumn For Crippled Children named their band after a song by the UK band Ebony Lake (which is also a horrible bad band name, but they do strange music with some originality to it). So just put a finger over the computer screen where the band name is typed, or name it something else when you've downloaded it, because this band is actually good.
This band, whatever you want to call it, combines elements of Black Metal and Doom, and juice it up with some of the old depression mood. They use the guitar in a very melodic way, so you can easily hum the melody of their songs. It therefore causes some songs to stick on your mind for a little while.
Maybe this doesn't sound like something original, but I've never heard anything like it, so it's hard to write about since you can't really compare it to other bands. It's absolutely depressing anyway, nursing you into a state of melancholy.

Song(s) you should listen to: I Beg Thee Not To Spare Me is MINDBLOWING from the beginning to the end. At least it gives me the shivers, causing emotional overload. As the song title indicates, I get the feeling of someone who was close to death once, but was saved somewhat against his/her will, and is now expressing his/her despair. It's haunting.
Ghost Light is also a great song on the album. It starts off pretty mediocre, but from the middle to the end it builds up and get more and more raw and evil.

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