Friday, September 10, 2010

Aäkon Këëtrëh - Dans La Forêt (1996)

Band: Aäkon Këëtrëh
Album: Dans La Forêt
Year: 1996
Country: France
Yeah I dont have a clue how to pronounce the name of this one man project either.
Aäkon Këëtrëh is a part of the infamous Les Légiones Noires, a circle of french underground Black Metal-musicians and their projects. The LLN was known for producing a shitload of demos that are almost impossible to get a hand on, apparently every original pressings of the demos released by Aäkon Këëtrëh was destroyed so the ones existing nowadays are all bootlegs. Don't you just love stories like that?
Anyhow, this isn't pure Black Metal although you clearly hear what environment this music came from. There are no other instruments except guitars and occasionally som vocals, but for the most part it's the guitar that do the talk. Sounds boring? Well if you'r not a fan of Dark Ambient i can see why you would turn the deaf ear on bands like this. To me this is as good as it gets. Each song is a hymn to despair and loneliness that sends shivers down your spine. A true Ambient masterpiece.

Song(s) you should listen to: Hard to say since all the songs are missing proper titles but the first track on the demo really does the work for me. It starts of with 4 simple yet powerfull chords which stays there as the backbone through the entire song. The rest of the songs are a bit more complex but the feeling you get from that first song stays with you through the whole album. Really you should listen to the whole album in it's whole, preferably in a dark room with some candles lit.

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