Band: Femtekolonnare
Album: In Vino Veritas
Year: 2010
Country: Sweden
If Massgrav would combine forces with Satan the result would be Femtekolonnare. This abomination of pissed off powerviolence/hardcore and Black Metal has summoned a 16 song demo of anti-hippie, anti conservative and capitalist hating songs straight from hell.
It's clear that Femtekolonnare knows how to do a good demo that never gets boring, in between all the blast beats and face-melting riffing we find slower parts and movie-samples that will keep you interested for whats to come.
Both the lyrics and movie-samples are all in swedish so unfortuneatly for all you non-swedish people you probably wont understand the meanings behind the songs. Nevertheless this is a band you shouldnt sleep on, new material is on its way and this is undoubtedly not the last we've heard from Femtekolonnare.
Song(s) you should listen to: Ta En Folköl och Var Som Folk
Most likely the best anti-straight edge anthem out there. Fast, angry and even has a "sing-a-long part". Doesnt get any better than this.
Jönköping Hardcore
Jönköping Hardcore what the fuck is that? Boygirls with make-up (the bad kind, not corpse paint) who sings like little girls. This is one of the "slower" songs on the demo and is about all the good "hardcore-bands" from Jönköping. Her Bright Skies, Intohimo etc etc.
Fred, Kärlek och Jävla Dumheter
This song contains the only part of the demo remotely close to a breakdown. It's a really mean and evil one that makes you want to go on a rampage. Hippies better watch out when this tune comes on.
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