Band: 40 Watt Sun
Album: The Inside Sun
Year: 2011
Country: United Kingdom
Some people that I know have already started to make plans for this years christmas. Myself, I have started no make plans for next years festivals I want to visit. Right now the scales tip in favour of Roadburn Festival in April. The main reason is that both Sleep and Bongripper are performing and also.. well that is pretty much the reason. But since I'm curious man I decided that I might as well check out the other band. The first band that drew my attention was 40 Watt Sun, mainly because I think the bandname is great (good bandname is important folks). They play a sort of mellow and post-rockish doom with long and slow songs with epic clean vocals. I'm going to make a comparsion that some of you might not understand and some of you who do might think I'm an idiot. The first thing that striked me when i listened to The Inside Room was that it sounded like a mash up between swedish bands Cult of Luna and Broder Daniel. For those who maybe haven't heard of Broder Daniel I can say that they were a really big pop-band here in Sweden. If you some day end up at a party with a lot of swedes just put on the song Shoreline and watch as they all make fools of themselves. Anyhow, I'm not saying that 4o Watt Sun is a copy of the two bands, rather a mix of the feelings that those two band create. Maybe it's a swedish thing, maybe I should get my head checked. You be the judge. Song(s) you should listen to: Carry Me Home is the song that I think has the best melody and also the best vocals. A perfect song to chill out to.
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