Album: Stenstans Fördärv (Alfarmania) & Mitt Blod, Min Kropp (Ättestupa)
Year: 2010
Country: Sweden
This is the spawn of the unholy union between two of Sweden's finest in minimalistic music. Together they have created a split consisting of seven songs that are darker than Dale Cooper likes his coffee and that pretty much sums it all up. Alfarmania gently kicks off the record with four murky songs of drone-like nihilism. Repetitive walls of sound mixed with vocals that could be samples from some newsreel from World War II as well. This side of the record is the most gloomy and is best experienced with the lights turned off, preferable lying in fetal position on your cold bathroom floor. The first thing that strikes me when I come to Ättestupa's side of the record is how well produced it sounds compared to their previous releases. But don't take that the wrong way, it is just as dark and harsh as before just executed with a bit more finesse. Another thing that comes to mind is that these songs are a bit more guitar-based than before and that some of the melodies has some black metal-touch to them. Especially in the first song Ett Stort Mörker Skall Komma (a great darkness shall come) where it almost sounds like black metal in slow motion. Overall i like the direction which Ättestupa has on these songs and I'm really exited to hear how the next release will sound like.
Song(s) you should listen to: I always root for listening to a record from start to finish, especially when it comes to music like this. I just think the whole experience enhances that way.
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