Album: Satan Worshipping Doom
Year: 2010
Country: United States
Probably the record with the most colourful album-cover we have uploaded on this blog so far. Suits the name of the band and album as well, I can imagine that this is how a LSD-trip to the depths of hell must look like. But if you look at the music this is probably the heaviest and darkest album on this blog as well. Chicago's Bongripper has been around since 2005 and with their latest release they sure make a mark in today's Sludge/Doom-scene and it's easy to see why. Bongripper manages to pull off an entirely instrumental album that sounds both fresh and raw at the same time. Given that they play a genre of music where it takes knowledge and skill to stand out from the rest makes this an impressive effort to say the least. The riffs are refreshing and the build ups is woven into the songs so good that you barely notice them. As the icing on the cake you also get some moments with a clear Black Metal-touch.
To summarize: Satan Worshipping Doom takes you to the middle of a 54 minute long Satanic ritual that will make you bang your head for hours to come.
Song(s) you should listen to: The song conveniently named Satan is by far my favorite song of the record and it's here that you will find those Black Metal-touches I spoke of earlier. After briefly two minutes of build-up to set the mood the song kicks of with a fast and well played Black Metal-riff which then makes a leap into the far borders of Doom-land. About halfway through the song it turns into a groovy session of chugging riffs that gnaws right into you're ears and makes you want to go rampage. This is definitely the song that stands out from the rest but it suits really well and maintains the feeling which is present throughout the whole album.
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