Band: The Saddest Landscape
Album: You Will Not Survive
Year: 2010
Country: United States
This band has been around for a while now and managed to establish a wide spread fanbase in the screamo-scene. I was lucky enough to catch these guys live when they played in Malmö this year, without a doubt one of the best gigs I've ever attended and really nice guys overall.
Anyhow they're latest effort "You Will Not Survive" is nothing short of a screamo-masterpiece. The softer melodic parts together with chaotic outbursts of emotion together with Andy's desperate vocals almost brings a tear to your eye. Also I have to give an eloge to the drumming on this record, not something I usually pay that much attention to but this time is different.
If this release is to your liking please show your support to this band by buying they're records or going to they're shows or whatever. They really work hard doing something they love and deserve to be recognized for it.
Song(s) you should listen to: So Lightly Thrown
My favourite of the record. If you know TSL since before you know how exceptional they are at creating those heartbreaking-sing-a-long-till-your-throat-bleeds-moments. The ending part of this song just makes me wish I was back at that time in Malmö when nothing but inches of thin air stood between me and the microphone.
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