Band: Cult Of Luna
Album: Eternal Kingdom
Year: 2008
Country: Sweden
This blog hasn't been updated for a little while, but at least I have an excuse - I've been having this nasty fever and been slightly delusional. Someone who also was sligthly delusional was Holger Nilsson. He was convicted for the murder of his wife in the beginning of the 20th century. He denied it, but since he was considered to be in a very bad mental condition, he was taken into Umedalens Mental Institution. There he wrote a book of his version of what happened.
And several years later, Umedalen Mental Institution was rebuilt as a cultural building instead, with some rehearsing studios in it. Cult Of Luna played there for a while, and they managed to find the old book Holger wrote. From that they got inspiration for doing this album, which is an interpretation of Holger Nilsson book - "The Eternal Kingdom". The lyrics of the songs are actually taken straight from the book.
There's so much to write about this album, but if I wrote everything I could come up with, this post would be as long as the bible. I know most of you have already this album as an favourite of yours, and if not - COME ON LISTEN TO IT!
Song(s) you should listen to: Following Betulas is the best song on the album. I'm not skilled enough with my words to describe the song the way it deserves, but it starts off like a good song, and then bursts out into a powerful apocalyptic anthem. The ending is lyrically about the moment just before a fight with the good and the evil, and you can definately feel it.
Ghost Trail starts off pretty slow and a bit haunting, let's just call it ghostly. It then turns into an aura of epicness, and ends with an apocalyptic two-drum part. This doesn't happen very fast, since the song itself is 11 minuter long, but song under 10 mintues aren't cool in the post-world.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The Saddest Landscape - You Will Not Survive (2010)

Band: The Saddest Landscape
Album: You Will Not Survive
Year: 2010
Country: United States
This band has been around for a while now and managed to establish a wide spread fanbase in the screamo-scene. I was lucky enough to catch these guys live when they played in Malmö this year, without a doubt one of the best gigs I've ever attended and really nice guys overall.
Anyhow they're latest effort "You Will Not Survive" is nothing short of a screamo-masterpiece. The softer melodic parts together with chaotic outbursts of emotion together with Andy's desperate vocals almost brings a tear to your eye. Also I have to give an eloge to the drumming on this record, not something I usually pay that much attention to but this time is different.
If this release is to your liking please show your support to this band by buying they're records or going to they're shows or whatever. They really work hard doing something they love and deserve to be recognized for it.
Song(s) you should listen to: So Lightly Thrown
My favourite of the record. If you know TSL since before you know how exceptional they are at creating those heartbreaking-sing-a-long-till-your-throat-bleeds-moments. The ending part of this song just makes me wish I was back at that time in Malmö when nothing but inches of thin air stood between me and the microphone.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
An Autumn For Crippled Children - Lost (2010)
Band: An Autumn For Crippled Children
Album: Lost
Year: 2010
Country: Netherlands
Okay, so the name of the band really sucks. It sounds like some newfag band with long bangs covering half of their faces, and that cares more about looks than music. But An Autumn For Crippled Children named their band after a song by the UK band Ebony Lake (which is also a horrible bad band name, but they do strange music with some originality to it). So just put a finger over the computer screen where the band name is typed, or name it something else when you've downloaded it, because this band is actually good.
This band, whatever you want to call it, combines elements of Black Metal and Doom, and juice it up with some of the old depression mood. They use the guitar in a very melodic way, so you can easily hum the melody of their songs. It therefore causes some songs to stick on your mind for a little while.
Maybe this doesn't sound like something original, but I've never heard anything like it, so it's hard to write about since you can't really compare it to other bands. It's absolutely depressing anyway, nursing you into a state of melancholy.
Song(s) you should listen to: I Beg Thee Not To Spare Me is MINDBLOWING from the beginning to the end. At least it gives me the shivers, causing emotional overload. As the song title indicates, I get the feeling of someone who was close to death once, but was saved somewhat against his/her will, and is now expressing his/her despair. It's haunting.
Ghost Light is also a great song on the album. It starts off pretty mediocre, but from the middle to the end it builds up and get more and more raw and evil.
Album: Lost
Year: 2010
Country: Netherlands
Okay, so the name of the band really sucks. It sounds like some newfag band with long bangs covering half of their faces, and that cares more about looks than music. But An Autumn For Crippled Children named their band after a song by the UK band Ebony Lake (which is also a horrible bad band name, but they do strange music with some originality to it). So just put a finger over the computer screen where the band name is typed, or name it something else when you've downloaded it, because this band is actually good.
This band, whatever you want to call it, combines elements of Black Metal and Doom, and juice it up with some of the old depression mood. They use the guitar in a very melodic way, so you can easily hum the melody of their songs. It therefore causes some songs to stick on your mind for a little while.
Maybe this doesn't sound like something original, but I've never heard anything like it, so it's hard to write about since you can't really compare it to other bands. It's absolutely depressing anyway, nursing you into a state of melancholy.
Song(s) you should listen to: I Beg Thee Not To Spare Me is MINDBLOWING from the beginning to the end. At least it gives me the shivers, causing emotional overload. As the song title indicates, I get the feeling of someone who was close to death once, but was saved somewhat against his/her will, and is now expressing his/her despair. It's haunting.
Ghost Light is also a great song on the album. It starts off pretty mediocre, but from the middle to the end it builds up and get more and more raw and evil.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Aäkon Këëtrëh - Dans La Forêt (1996)
Band: Aäkon Këëtrëh
Album: Dans La Forêt
Year: 1996
Country: France
Yeah I dont have a clue how to pronounce the name of this one man project either.
Aäkon Këëtrëh is a part of the infamous Les Légiones Noires, a circle of french underground Black Metal-musicians and their projects. The LLN was known for producing a shitload of demos that are almost impossible to get a hand on, apparently every original pressings of the demos released by Aäkon Këëtrëh was destroyed so the ones existing nowadays are all bootlegs. Don't you just love stories like that?
Anyhow, this isn't pure Black Metal although you clearly hear what environment this music came from. There are no other instruments except guitars and occasionally som vocals, but for the most part it's the guitar that do the talk. Sounds boring? Well if you'r not a fan of Dark Ambient i can see why you would turn the deaf ear on bands like this. To me this is as good as it gets. Each song is a hymn to despair and loneliness that sends shivers down your spine. A true Ambient masterpiece.
Song(s) you should listen to: Hard to say since all the songs are missing proper titles but the first track on the demo really does the work for me. It starts of with 4 simple yet powerfull chords which stays there as the backbone through the entire song. The rest of the songs are a bit more complex but the feeling you get from that first song stays with you through the whole album. Really you should listen to the whole album in it's whole, preferably in a dark room with some candles lit.
Oldseed - The Terror (2009)
Band: Oldseed
Album: The Terror
Year: 2009
Country: Canada
Is this satanic? Is this evil? Is this hell's choir? I have to disappoint you this time, it isn't.
But my friend from Finland told me that this guy from Canada were heading over to Europe for a tour, and that my friend would drive him around the venues in Finland. After the tour my friend told my about this Canadian handsome gentleman, their sauna conversations, and other things that were indicating bromance moments, so I was curious about who Oldseed was.
I actually suspect that Oldseed has a bit religious intentions, so it's not what we normally upload on this blog. It's not original or extremely good. But it's acoustic folk music, perfect for those cold autumn nights with hot chocolate and warm blankets.
Song(s) you should listen to: Under Your Breath is the best song on the album. Includes violin, upbuilding moments in manatee-speed, a nice vocalist, and easy lyrics. For some reason I also like the sample in the ending of Net, when a woman is describing the moment when on of her relatives died. Instead of being all hysterical, she describes it calm and objective, with a great amount of love and respect for him.
Album: The Terror
Year: 2009
Country: Canada
Is this satanic? Is this evil? Is this hell's choir? I have to disappoint you this time, it isn't.
But my friend from Finland told me that this guy from Canada were heading over to Europe for a tour, and that my friend would drive him around the venues in Finland. After the tour my friend told my about this Canadian handsome gentleman, their sauna conversations, and other things that were indicating bromance moments, so I was curious about who Oldseed was.
I actually suspect that Oldseed has a bit religious intentions, so it's not what we normally upload on this blog. It's not original or extremely good. But it's acoustic folk music, perfect for those cold autumn nights with hot chocolate and warm blankets.
Song(s) you should listen to: Under Your Breath is the best song on the album. Includes violin, upbuilding moments in manatee-speed, a nice vocalist, and easy lyrics. For some reason I also like the sample in the ending of Net, when a woman is describing the moment when on of her relatives died. Instead of being all hysterical, she describes it calm and objective, with a great amount of love and respect for him.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Fall Of Efrafa - Inlé (2009)
Band: Fall Of Efrafa
Album: Inlé
Year: 2009
Country: United Kingdom
The band itself describes this album as "80 minutes of rabbit-obsessed post-hardcore". Two questions might pop up in your head; "What? Wait? RABBIT?!", and "Is that the only damn reason to listen to it?". I will provide you with some answers my friend.
You see, Fall Of Efrafa is a concept band, basing their music on the novel "Watership Down". The novel is pretty complex, but in short terms it's about a group of rabbits who foresees the danger of man, and leaves their colony to find a safe place. Their journey is full of drama, and the author handles a lot of occuring problems in our world, in a more rodent kind of way. Finally they find the colony called Efrafa, ruled by the horrid dictator General Woundwort. The narrative rabbits decides to crash down this colony and save it's slaves. And this is what the band Fall Of Efrafa writes their music and lyrics about.
As far as the reason for listening to this album goes, just do it. It's truly epic and well written. Every song is not really a song, it's an anthem. It's anthems we will rise upon and sing when the human kind is facing it's extinction.
If you're still not convinced, just repeat the album title for yourself. It flows on your tongue. And in Watership Down, Inlé is the black rabbit of death. It can't get better than that.
Song(s) you should listen to: Republic Of Heaven is probably the song you will find the most attractive when you listen to the album the first couple of times. It's the most melodic and energetic song on the album, and includes charming sing-a-longs like "The king is dead, we bound his face, cut off his head. We spit at thee, we curse at thee, our god is dead".
Fu Inlé is on the other hand my favorite song on the album. It's basically about a conversation with Mr. Death himself, and it's therefore pretty dark, but soothing and calming. It's if he tries to calm you down and making you not being afraid of dying, and it's success I would say.
Woundwort gets on a close up second place. It's so beautiful written. It will build up and make you explode into a library of emotions. Especially the guitar in 11:30, which would make the hardest stone face on earth to melt.
Warren Of Snares is also a song that grows on you. In fact the whole album grows on you, so just forget what I said and listen to it again, again, and again.
Album: Inlé
Year: 2009
Country: United Kingdom
The band itself describes this album as "80 minutes of rabbit-obsessed post-hardcore". Two questions might pop up in your head; "What? Wait? RABBIT?!", and "Is that the only damn reason to listen to it?". I will provide you with some answers my friend.
You see, Fall Of Efrafa is a concept band, basing their music on the novel "Watership Down". The novel is pretty complex, but in short terms it's about a group of rabbits who foresees the danger of man, and leaves their colony to find a safe place. Their journey is full of drama, and the author handles a lot of occuring problems in our world, in a more rodent kind of way. Finally they find the colony called Efrafa, ruled by the horrid dictator General Woundwort. The narrative rabbits decides to crash down this colony and save it's slaves. And this is what the band Fall Of Efrafa writes their music and lyrics about.
As far as the reason for listening to this album goes, just do it. It's truly epic and well written. Every song is not really a song, it's an anthem. It's anthems we will rise upon and sing when the human kind is facing it's extinction.
If you're still not convinced, just repeat the album title for yourself. It flows on your tongue. And in Watership Down, Inlé is the black rabbit of death. It can't get better than that.
Song(s) you should listen to: Republic Of Heaven is probably the song you will find the most attractive when you listen to the album the first couple of times. It's the most melodic and energetic song on the album, and includes charming sing-a-longs like "The king is dead, we bound his face, cut off his head. We spit at thee, we curse at thee, our god is dead".
Fu Inlé is on the other hand my favorite song on the album. It's basically about a conversation with Mr. Death himself, and it's therefore pretty dark, but soothing and calming. It's if he tries to calm you down and making you not being afraid of dying, and it's success I would say.
Woundwort gets on a close up second place. It's so beautiful written. It will build up and make you explode into a library of emotions. Especially the guitar in 11:30, which would make the hardest stone face on earth to melt.
Warren Of Snares is also a song that grows on you. In fact the whole album grows on you, so just forget what I said and listen to it again, again, and again.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Voqkrre - Malveillance Demo (2008)

Album: Malveillance Demo
Year: 2008
Country: France
Just looking at this cover gives me the creeps. Imagine waking up in the middle of the night and see this fine Frenchman standing at the end of your bed, you would probably never be able to sleep again after that.
This demo is dark,raw, evil and monotonous, a real sinister one. Although the music is very deppressing I would'nt go as far as lable this DSBM. But I leave that for you to decide.
Song(s) you should listen to: La Cave aux Rats Necrophages
This song starts out with a little bit of speed but then fades out in a slower and darker tempo. Featuring some really tormented vocals which further strengthens the evil tone makes this song a perfect end to this demo.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Lantlôs - Neon (2010)
Band: Lantlôs
Album: Neon
Year: 2010
Country: Germany
If you haven't heard this album already, you should, since it's one of the best album of 2010. If not THE best album of 2010, but the year it's not over so I'll try to hold my horses.
Lantlôs is half french and half german, and includes the best of both countries. The french part contributes with atmosphere, emotion, and the almighty touch of Neige. The german part contributes with a rough shell and some small influences from one of the best bands of Germany - Bohren Und Der Club Of Gore. The result is a band that somehow is able to ride the wave of "blackened shoegaze", but I would rather consider this as "shoegazed black metal", or just call it black metal.
This album is fairly short with only 6 tracks, but strong enough to leave an impact. Some songs starts of really jazzy, then turn into an inferno of blasting drums and well written guitar riffs. That maybe doesn't sound as much, but it's intensity vs. it's melancholic calmer parts will leave you in a state of despair and hopelessness. And as if that wasn't enough, the vocals are flawless. Neige's harsh vocals sounds like anxious suffering. And what's even more extraordinary is that he can change it into honeysmoothed singing in "Pulse/Surreal".
Song(s) you should listen to: These Nights Were Ours pretty is without a doubt the best song on the album. It seems to deal with the pestered theme of a wretched lovestory you've heard so many times. But in this song you believe every single word being said. Especially the last sentence, since Neige voice cracks as if someone tore out his heart with their bare hands.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Femtekolonnare - Valguiden (2010)

Album: Valguiden
Year: 2010
Country: Sweden
Doublepost this evening, yeah we're really spoiling you we know. And as if that wasn't enough, this album sure is not going to let you down if your into fast and angry music.
Femtekolonnare once again prove that they are capable of writing a good album that grabs you by the ears and demands your attention.
This album isn't just a powerviolence-assault of epic proportions but it also serves as a guide to the forthcoming election here in Sweden. So if you live in Sweden ans still don't know what your gonna vote for, just sit back and let Femtekolonnare tell you what parties your NOT supposed to vote for.
Song(s) you should listen to: Every single one of them really. They're just so damn good.
Suffocate For Fuck Sake - Suffocate For Fuck Sake (2004)

Band: Suffocate For Fuck Sake
Album: Suffocate For Fuck Sake
Year: 2004
Country: Sweden
Thought i'd upload this since the 2008 LP already is up and running. The main theme is the same as on the LP, epic post-rock and heavy sludge fused togethet with a storyline told through samples in the songs. This story I think is a bit sadder and darker than the LP. We get to follow a man named Hasse who has a very serious condtion, he cant sit down.
Song(s) you should listen to: Just like before you really should listen to the whole album from the beginning to the end to get out the most of the experience. But if you just want to listen to a song because you want to hear good music i especially like the first song "Hospital/H/The Social Worker Dragon" and "Promenade".
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