Album: Begraven Mot Norr
Year: 2010
Country: Sweden
In Sweden there is a myth of a place called "Ättestupa", a steep were people who had played out their role where thrown to their death. Whether this really has happened or not, Ättestupa from Gothenbourg sure knows how to make music that gives you that chilling feeling that you'll most definetly feel when standing on the edge looking down into the abyss.
Begraven Mot Norr is inspired by funeral traditions and death processions in ancient rural Sweden. This album is perfect to listen to whenever you feel gloomy or just want to calm down.
Song(s) you should listen to: The whole album really, but the first song "Den Sista Tiden" that starts of with the sound of a pouring river instantly sets the mood for the whole album. Melancholic yet sothing and beautiful.
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